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Shop No-09, Ground Floor Express Market, Nitikhand-lll , Ghaziabad (UP- 201014)

Gas Analyzer

Analyzing air pollution is the first step toward preserving a clean atmospheric environment.

Flue Gas Analyzer System (ZSU)

  • Ideal for flue gas monitoring in waste incinerators, boilers, and furnaces
  • Space-saving design
  • A variety of functions: auto calibration, O2-corrected output, averaging, alarm, etc
  • Japanese type approval

Flue Gas Analyzer System (ZSJ)

  • Single beam, sample switching system Ideal for flue gas monitoring in waste incinerators, boilers, and furnaces
  • Simultaneous and continuous measurement of up to 5 components
  • Sample switching system ensures zero-point stability
  • Space-saving design
  • A variety of functions: auto calibration, O2-corrected output, averaging, alarm, etc
  • Japanese type approval

Flue Gas Analyzer System (ZSU-7)

  • Continuous monitoring of 7 components:- NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, O2, HCl, and dust
  • Ideal for environmental monitoring
  • Space-saving design
  • All the necessary equipment are housed in a cabinet of 1215 (W) x 700 (D) x 1780 (H) mm size
  • Less electrical work: signal and power terminals are in one place
  • Maintenance-free HCl measurement
  • Japanese type approval (NOx, SO2, CO, O2)
  • Saves power by 40% compared to conventional models

CO & O2 Analyzer System (ZSQ)

  • Continuous monitoring of CO and O2 in flue gas
  • Temperature recording
  • CO concentration recording
  • CO peak count alarm
  • Japanese type approval certified

Cross Stack Laser Gas Analyzer (ZSS)

  • Continuous monitoring of HCl, NH3, CO, CO2, CH4, and O2
  • Fast response ≤ 5 seconds (≤ 2 seconds version available)—suited for use in a control system
  • Dual-beam version available for CO + CO2 or CO + O2 simultaneous measurement
  • O2 analyzer with the instrument air purge system available
  • Low maintenance and long-term superior stability
  • Suited for measurement under high temperature and dusty environment
  • Optical path length (stack diameter) 0.5–10 m
  • Hardly affected by interference from other gases


  • Gas sampling device is unnecessary– For quick response, insert the detector directly into the flue Gas sampling functions such as a gas aspirator and a dehumidifi er are not required
  • Easy maintenance– The sensor equipped with the detector, has unit construction, it is easy to replace. By separating the detector and the flow guide tube, filter replacement is easy
  • More reliable than sensor diagnosis, sensor recoverable function– Depending on the concentration of the measurement gas, the power of the sensor might deteriorate. The equipment includes sensor recovery function electronically, checking the deterioration status of the sensor depletion.Therefore, it has high reliability and long-lasting stability
  • Safe and secure– System detects thermocouple break for heater control on the sensor side. Safety functions of isolating power supply to the detector or isolating power via external contact input are also
  • Easy operation– The operation and setting for the converter can be performed interactivelly, and available as English, Japanese or Chinese for language display

Water Analyzer

Micromac Eco On Line Analyzer

  • Robust and reliable
  • Easy to Install
  • Automatic Calibration
  • Low maintenance, low operating costs
  • Measure COD UV and BOD FLUO

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